
Welcome to my online training!

My mission is to support those embarking on their psychology registration journey through the various tasks necessary to complete registration. I absolutely love supporting early career psychologist's, and want to validate the challenging journey that is registration.

I completed the 4 + 2 pathway many years ago, and know first hand the challenges of the pathway. I have created The Provisional Psychologist Network to support those on their path to registration as a psychologist. We have several great supervisors who can support you. You can learn more about the network at our website www.provisionalpsychologistnetwork.com

We offer a wide range of services including case report review, individual supervision, group supervision, and training.

To further network with other interns please join our closed Facebook group 'Provisional Psychologist Network-Annie Slater Psychology' at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2135324333220296/?source_id=622604904854247

My biggest piece of advice for the internship is 'It's a marathon, not a sprint'. Look after yourself and practice self care, boundaries, and self compassion.

You are learning, be gentle on yourself.

You can also follow us on insta at https://www.instagram.com/provisionalpsychnetwork/


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